Go Natural
Organic wasp control can be achieved via commercial products or tried and true home remedies. The type of wasp involved does not really matter, as organic methods will successfully eliminate wasps regardless of type. These chemicals are hazardous to humans, even though they can be cheap and effective. With so many natural pest control options available, why not give one a try?<
Pest Control from the Kitchen
There are some useful organic pest control remedies that you can make from items found in your kitchen and even your bathroom. When attempting to use any extermination technique on wasps or an active nest, be certain to wear protective clothing. The best time to act against wasps would be at night, as they are much less active.
Mint Oil: There are organic wasp control products on the shelves that use mint oil as their active ingredient. For something similar, add a tablespoon of mint oil to water to spray with to have an effective mixture. Coat the nest with the mixture thoroughly, making sure that you can reach them by spray from a few feet away.
Detergent: Possibly the simplest and best way to safely exterminate wasps is with liquid detergent. A natural pest control solution would be to spray liquid detergent on the wasp nest. By preventing them from flying and overpowering them, the soap will eventually get in their systems and suffocate them.
Beef Liver: While not recommended as a long-term organic wasp control solution, a beef liver trap is a good way to keep wasps away while you are outside enjoying a family cookout. Hang some beef liver over a bowl of soapy water, away from the view of potential guests. Wasps may be deterred if they are offered an alternative food source, such as liver, and will feed on it solely. The wasps then fall into the bowl and are killed.
Sugar Syrup & Soda Bottle: Another type of organic wasp control trap can be made by placing sugar syrup into a soda bottle. Take a 2-liter bottle and cut off the top about one-third of the way down the bottle. Then, invert the top piece in the bottle to funnel to the bottom. Put some syrup in the bottle after you secure the two pieces together with tape. Hang your trap from a tree or other location and smear a little syrup on the outside to make sure the wasps find the scent. The wasps, by funneling into the bottle, will become stuck. Wasps are likely to look for sweeter food sources during late summer, so employ this method at that time.
Don’t Try This at Home
Some do-it-yourself pest control remedies, while potentially effective, are dangerous to attempt. The following list details wasp removal methods that are probably not the best.
Kerosene: Yes, dousing a nest with kerosene and lighting it on fire will kill wasps and definitely destroy the nest. Keep in mind that it can also set your house on fire, putting you and your family in danger. Furthermore, using kerosene is not beneficial to the environment at all.
Hairspray: Hairspray will work. This works by sticking to the wings of the wasps, making it difficult for them to fly. The question is, how difficult? It is likely that a few wasps will escape your Aqua Net attack and take their aggression out on you.
Cigarette Smoke: The premise behind this method is that you blow cigarette smoke on wasp nest while outside smoking. The smoke will temporarily faze the wasps so you can knock down the nest without incident. This method tends to be unsuccessful because it is more likely for the wasps to become irritated than anything else.
Green Market
Purchasing an organic pest control product may be the easiest way for you to handle your wasp removal. Any product containing the following ingredients will provide more than adequate natural pest control:
Mint oil
Traps and decoys are also available green pest control solutions. The traps work much like the home-made variety, using sugar as the primary bait. By preventing further nests from forming these nest decoys can complement a wasp control plan nicely. The wasps will see the decoy nest and move on to a different area, as they have quite territorial mindsets. These two products will be difficult to find in stores, so your best bet would be to look online.